Friday, October 25, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Night in Iran
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Let it be said that this election was pay-back by many Iranians — pay-back to officials all the way to the Supreme Leader — for the manipulation of the 2009 vote and the subsequent crackdown to e...nforce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President.
Of course, the word “sedition” was not uttered. However, the chants in Rouhani’s crowds of “Ya Hossein! Mir Hossein!” were a powerful reminder: two of the candidates in 2009, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, are still considered such a threat by the regime that they have been under strict house arrest for 28 months. It is not just Mousavi and Karroubi who are detained. Hundreds of activists, journalists, students, lawyers, Baha’is, and people simply caught up in the repression are also imprisoned.
Had the regime used the last four years to bring the “political and teconomic epic” that the Supreme Leader promised when he anointed Ahmadinejad in 2009, then it might have eased the pain and trauma of that collective memory. But it did not do so: Iran is in a far worse economic position since 2009, and its international standing — despite Orwellian proclamations from its supporters — has eroded, and any hope of progress had faded into resignation.
Against this background, the Rouhani campaign reignited the possibility of striking a meaningful blow against the status quo — not with violent protests this time, but with a vote that meant something.See More
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Release of political prisoners
President mr. Rouhani plans to issue a “civil rights charter” which calls for equality for all citizens without discrimination based on race, religion or sex. It also calls for greater freedom for political parties and minorities, as well as ensuring the right to fair trial, freedom of assembly and legal protection for all. "However, people don’t want empty promises and rhetoric but rather expect concrete measures. It starts with the release of political prisoners."
A good friend of mine
I can not understand
While there are so many political prisoners behind bars.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Khamanei. The standard comedian
Thursday, June 13, 2013
It is not about Elections.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
خانم کریم بیگی نوشته: توی ِ هر محفلی که وارد میشی همه جا بحث سر شرکت یا عدم ِ شرکت در انتخاباته ، چهار سال از انتخاباتِ قبلی گذشته و ما توی ِ خیابونها و زندانها کشته های زیادی رو دادیم . عده ای دیگه از دوستامون رو هم اسیر کردن ، اما وقعا ما نمیدونیم که اگه مصطفی یا بقیه ی شهیدامون الان زنده بودن توی ِ این انتخابات شرکت میکردن یا نه ، اون روزا همه ی ما توی ِ خیابونا بودیم و هر کدوم از این بچه هایی که دارن حرف از شرکت یا تحریم میزنن ممکن بود کشته بشن همه ی این جوونا الان شهیدای زنده ی ما هستن، اینا حق دارن که با دلایلی که دارن توی انتخابات شرکت کنن یا تحریم کنن چیزی که نباید فراموش بشه اتحاد ماست ، همان اتحاد سبزی که با هم در قلب هایمان بستیم و برایش هزینه ها دادیم ، نگذاریم اتحادمان از بین برود که بسیار سخت به دست امده است...
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Interesting Statement (Farsi.)
دوست عزيز سلام يك مطلبي براتون ميزارم اميدوارم كه مورد توجه تون قرار بگيره
فرياد مرگ برديكتاتور درتشييع كسي كه خامنه اي را فرعون زمان ناميد
پيامي به هرعنصر آزاديخواه
دوستان وياران وهمرزمان وپيشتازان قيام مردم ايران
با درود
درگذشت آيت الله طاهري يكي از مخالفين سرسخت خامنه اي جرقه اي بر آتشفشان زير خاكستر طلسم اختناق بود.كه ناگهان فوران كرد وهزاران نفر باتمام خشم وعصيان و طغيان به خيابان ها ريخته وسيلي محكمي به بناگوش خامنه اي زدند وكاخش را در ايام حساس انتخابات به لرزه درآوردند .فرعوني كه تمام تلاشش براي عبور بي سر و صدا از محيط طوفانزاي مردم بجان آمده ايران در جريان انتخابات مضحك ومسخره و دجالانه است.
اما زهي خيال باطل مگر چنين جرقه هايي خبر ميكنند .
ياران مقاومت ، دوستان متعهد براي نجات 80 ميليون مردم ايران
طغيان خشم مردم اصفهان گرچه به بهانه درگذشت يكي از مخالفين فرعون حاكم شعله كشيد، اما پيامش اين استكه:مردم ايران حتي براي نفس كشيدن و زندگي كردن و بازكردن غل و زنجير اختناق آخوندهاي فاسد حاكم همچون آتش فشاني كه به جرقه نيازدارد آماده اند تا دمار از اهريمنان فريبكار در آورند.
آنچه مهم است باور به اين است كه آتش زير خاكستر وجود دارد . مردم ايران هرگز حاضر نيستند به يك زندگي خفت بار همراه با هزار بدبختي و مشكل خانوادگي و اجتماعي تن دهند و هرگز حاضر نيستند تسليم شوند و اين حاكميت ضد بشري را بپذيرند .واين را در مقاطعي بويژه دردوران حاكميت ولايت فقيه بارز كرده اند.جالب اينكه وقتي مردم به خيابان ها ريخته اند يك شعار داشتند وآنهم سرنگوني با شعار «مرگ بر ديكتاتور».
نكته ديگري كه بايد به آن ايمان داشته باشيم اينكه حاكمان ديگر رمقي برايشان نمانده است. واين را خامنه اي خوب ميداند ومسمترا با توصيه و تهديد و دستگيري وسانسور ميخواهد هرطور شده كمي بيشتر خلافتش را ادامه دهد.
به همين جريان درگذشت طاهري دقت كنيد:
طاهري از مراجع بنام دردستگاه آخوندي ، از اعضاي برجسته شوراي نگهبان ، خبرگان و مخالف خامنه اي بود. و او را فرعون ناميده است.خامنه اي اجازه مراسم ترحيم او را نداد ونيروهاي امنيتي وارد مسجد شده وتعداد زيادي را دستگير كرده است كه ميزان ضديت طاهري ووحشت خامنه اي را نشان ميدهد.
حال توجه كنيد كه يكي از تأييد صلاحيت شدگان كانديداهاي رياست جمهوري كه با لاخره از فيلتر ايمان قلبي به خامنه اي گذشته است.هنگام مناظره رسمي وعلني درگذشت طاهري را تسليت ميگويد!!!!!
هچنين به مناظره مهندسي شده توجه كنيد كه همه درون رژيم را بهم ريخت و ازهمه مهمتر خود اين كانديدا ها، كه ازدالان تقرب به خامنه اي گذشته اند، اين مناظره را بي احترامي به مردم ايران دانسته واعتراض كردند. و برخلاف توصيه خامنه اي كه نبايد از كمبودها صحبت كرد همه كانديداها اساسا از وضعيت وخامت بار اقتصادي واجتماعي صحبت كردند.
- به نوشته رسانه هاي رژيم:
- حذف احمدي نژاد از مراسم سخنراني سالگرد امام خميني
دو سال پيش بعد از سخنراني احمدي نژاد در حرم امام، سخنراني سيد حسن خميني بعلت شعارهايي که از سوي عده محدودي سرداده مي شد، نيمهتمام ماند....برخلاف سنت ۲۳ سال گذشته، براي اولين بار نام رييس دولت از فهرست سخنرانان مراسم سالگرد ارتحال امام خميني حذف شده است.
- به نوشته رسانه هاي رژيم سخنگوي کميسيون اصل نود مجلس: پرونده سفردولت به نيويورک تحويل قوهقضائيه ميشود
کارشناسان مجرب کميسيون با تحقيقات ميداني که انجام دادند متوجه حضور ۱۴ نفر از همراهان رئيس جمهور در نيويورک شدند که ضرورتي براي سفر رفتن آنها با پول بيت المال نبود و در همان زمان نيز نتايج اين تحقيقات به ديوان محاسبات ارجاع شد
واين اختلافات روز به روز افزايش مييابد .كم نميشود كه گر ميگيرد.روزانه اخبار را دنبال كنيد تا برايمانتان به وضعيت روبه افول حاكميت و آتشفشان خاموش ولي آماده مردم ايران، افزوده شود وسپس به گامهايي كه بايد بخصوص دراين شرايط جنگي برداريم تا سرنگوني را محقق كنيم فكركنيد.
پيروز باشيد
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Message from Tehran
Internet slow for those on the list of IRG
Iranian Opposition
Friday, May 31, 2013
We all know.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Raymond Manzarek
Thanks for all the music and lyrics you gave us.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Believe in Freedom
Do you believe all the suffering will stop.
I believe.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
No surrender
Raymond Morrison (@RayMorrison) heeft getweet om 9:27 PM on zo, jan. 27, 2013:#Iranelection We will return! June 2013 de officiële Twitter-app op
Iranian struggle for freedom
Raymond Morrison (@RayMorrison) heeft getweet om 8:30 PM on di, feb. 19, 2013:Iranian opposition. Persian Warrior. #Iranelection #Iran de officiële Twitter-app op
Iranian opposition
Raymond Morrison (@RayMorrison) heeft getweet om 11:12 AM on za, feb. 16, 2013:There is only one celebration. The celebration of freedom. #Iran #Iranelection #Tehran de officiële Twitter-app op
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Good old days
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
in school books
Did you know madmen are
running our prisons
w/in a jail, w/in a gaol
w/in a white free Isalmic
We're perched headlong
on the edge of boredom
We're reaching for death
on the end of a candle
We're trying for something
that not already found us.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Talk to anyone who experienced the summer of 2009 in Tehran, they will tell you tales of simple human kindness and decency.... people who hi...d demonstraters etc...... the same stories happened EXACTLY TWO YEARS AGO....HERE ARE TWO OF THEM....
1. THE STORY OF ONE YOUNG WOMAN: I went out on the street to join the crowd...suddendly people were running the opposite direction...and then I saw the bassij (riot police)...and heard at least one gunshot.
My breath stopped.....I remember panicking and starting to cry...then suddenly I felt someone take my arm, her arm in the crook of mine...and I turned around to see this little old chadori woman (WOMAN DRESSED IN THE ULTRA TRADITIONAL ISLAMIC ATTIRE) holding fast to my arm....
As I sobbed, she patted my arm and whispered into my ear: "There, there, my dear. Calm down please. You are not part of are a dutiful niece taking your poor old Auntie shopping...".....
2. There was one woman, not young but not old, who incurred the wrath of the bassiji....apparently she "mouthed off" too much and they came at her with their electric clubs....a cordon of men held the regime thugs off, just barely....UNTIL....
(GUESS WHAT???) A "JUST MARRIED" car drove by, with a newlywed couple, the handsome young groom and the "blushing" bride...and guess what she did? Without missing a beat, the bride leaned out the window and in an exaggeratedly annoyed toned yelled: "MOM...For GOODNESS SAKE, we are HERE!!!!"
And the Basijii beinging bone-heads, paused long enough for the men to catch on to the rouse and start shouting "OH YES, THERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!!!" And start passing the middle-aged woman along the line until she reached the BRIDAL car...until she was driven away to safety......
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Hanged in Tehran.
Iranian Paradox
This represents an 18% increase on last year's minimum wage and at first might seem generous. Yet the regime's own phoney 'labour' organisations have recommended that the minimum wage should rise by 40%. This is because some government agencies have set the severe poverty line for a family of four at 820,000 tomans (€549). So the new minimum wage has been set at less than half the severe poverty line!
Although official inflation in Iran is supposed to be 21% the true rate is said to be about double that. Since the government began reducing and phasing out subsidies many prices have shot up massively. For example, the price of utilities like electricity, water, and natural gas has tripled! To supposedly off-set this, the government has – so far - been paying a $38 monthly cash handout.
This year the regime will be implementing the second stage of its subsidy-cutting policy. There are now rumours that 29 million people will be struck off the cash handout recipients' list!
The obscene anti-working class policies of this regime know no limits.
Iranian Workers’ Solidarity Network
Socioeconomic order between 1946 and 1979.
Under the shah, thanks to considerable outlays allocated to education and health, great strides were made in improving social welfare. Infant mortality, malnutrition, endemic diseases, and illiteracy were greatly reduced. Caloric intake, life expectancy, and school enrollment were all markedly increased. While rural-income gaps and income inequalities within the respective areas did not narrow, indicators showed that absolute poverty was reduced. Although elementary school enrollment during the 1970s quadrupled to more than 9 million, this was achieved in many cases only by running students through in 3 shifts and having teachers in the classroom 60 to 80 hours a week. About 90 percent of high school graduates were denied admission to college because of inadequate facilities. About 20 percent of Iran's institutions of higher education had no library facilities, nor were they likely to obtain them because, while the state budget set aside 5 percent for sports, it did not have any reserves for books and libraries.
It was thought and hoped that the new regime would remedy these faults.
The Islamic government declared a policy of improving the lot of the poor for whom, after all, the revolution itself had been launched, but there has been little evidence of success. Nominal wages and salaries lagged behind inflation throughout the 1980s, which according to one Majlis deputy left more than 90 percent of public servants below the poverty line. According to the official line, the poor were better off after, rather than before, the revolution. This was undoubtedly true for certain groups of people who have been especially well positioned within the regime, such as members of the Revolutionary Guards, many families of the war dead, some among the subsidized urban proletariat, and others from extremely low-income households. It does not hold true, however, for the majority of the population. In 1972, some 44 percent of the population were living below the subsistence poverty line. During the 1979-85 period, absolute poverty increased by 40 percent; some reports indicated that absolute poverty had spread among as many as 65-75 percent of the population in 1988. According to the IMF, 53 percent of Iranians still live below the poverty line.
Health conditions outside major cities are poor. Many small towns and rural areas suffer from unsanitary conditions and a shortage of medical personnel and facilities. The infant mortality rate remains a serious problem; it is very high by world and Middle Eastern standards, although it has been reduced significantly (26 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1998, down from 91.6 during 1980-85 and 50 during 1991-95). Although primary education is compulsory for 5 years, many rural children never attend school because of either parental objection or a lack of facilities. The secondary-school system in Iran is relatively underdeveloped, and it serves for the most part to prepare small numbers of students for university-level education. In order to improve the situation for the poorest segments of Iranian society, the government is considering an anti-poverty program comprising expanded provision of food, clothing, health care, education, social security, and bank credits to these people.