Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Iranian dream shattered

June 2009. Many millions crowded the streets in the cities of Iran. Many. Young people, students, elderly, middle class and workers. Supplemented by intellectuals, writers, artists, poets and writers.

Many had hope. Many had trust.Their leader was Mr. Mousavi. All it was about reforms. And these reforms would be the beginning on the road to democracy. Mr. Mousavi was winning. Never seen before where those millions going to vote.

 But the dream shattered. Mr. Mousavi was under house arrest and the votes were stolen. IRGC made ​​short work of demonstrative plants, and supporters of the Green Movement.
They conducted a reign of intimidation, arrests and torture executions. To date, nothing has changed.

Fear is a factor that keeps people inside. But above all no leadership. But opposition is still alive. Calling for a united opposition. History has proven that good leadership can bring faith and strenght to people.

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